The legendary descent of Orpheus into the underworld to retrieve his beloved Eurydice. Put into music by C.W. Gluck.
Orphée: Nadia Neiazy
Eurydice: Natalie Petrarca
Amor: Julie Daoust
Cello: Nicolas Cousineau
Musical direction/piano: Pascale Verstrepen
Artistc direction: Nadia Neiazy
with members of the Polumnia choir
Belgium native Pascale Verstrepen started studying the piano with Ho Thi The Van in 1998. After obtaining her BA at the University of Québec in 2001, in the class of Pierre Jasmin, she continues in the master's program at Université de Montréal under Paul Stewart. She obtained for two consecutive years (2000/2001) the stipend for excellency Nicole-Junca.
Pascale started to play in the orchestra led by her father Gène Capri, les Cordes de Velours, as early as age 14, in her second year of playing the piano. Today she still works mainly as a collaborative pianist for singers and instrumentists.
Additionally to her work as an accompanist at the Rudolf Steiner School of Montreal, where she teaches music and choir singing in the sector for continuous studies, Pascale also conducts the music program at the Coeur-Immaculé-de-Marie parish and directs two choirs, Polumnia and Equi-Vox Montreal.